Whipped cream cheese
August 8, 2020 | Dessert, Uncategorized

Even me I feel tired baking sometimes and your family wants something sweet. I am using a store bought mix – I did it too!! You know what, I don’t feel guilty. Moms are tired too!
Here is a random chocolate cake that I assembled with my whipped cream cheese. Delice! because it is as smooth as a ice cream.

The whipped cream cheese is creamier than a cream cheese frosting but it can hold is shape. It is so good when it’s coupled with cake and some fruits. Kids love it and no need from ice cream this afternoon.
- 8 ounces cream cheese room temperature (224g)
- 1 ½ cups fluid heavy whipping (35%)
- ⅛ teaspoon Salt, table (I added more because I really wanted the salty flavor)
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
In a large bowl combine cream cheese, sugar, salt and vanilla. Beat until smooth and set a side
Whipped the cream till stiff and form picks; then, fold it with the cream cheese mix.
Bon appétit!!